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in Santa Barbara, June 2016
Seminar Registration
 How To Register

Complete the "Registration Form" and select a method of payment.  Please confirm that your e-mail address is correct.  It is the primary means of contact and will be used to send you more detailed information about the Spanish Guitar Seminar.

 Accommodation Request

  I wish to stay at the Hotel Oceana in Santa Barbara during the Seminar (please uncheck if not required)
 Registration Form

First Name

Last Name

e-Mail Address

Comments, questions (optional)

 Seminar Fees

The fee for the seminar is US$450. This covers the cost of attendance
at all seminar sessions and the evening "Fiesta".
(See cancellation policy)

Please select one of the following payment options :

Credit Card
PayPal Account
Bank Check

 daniel@guitarmaker.artWho should attend ?What's your opinion ?