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in Santa Barbara, June 2016
Seminar Program
The Spanish Guitar Seminar has been designed to provide guitar enthusiasts, aficionados, connoisseurs, and collectors with practical knowledge and "hands-on" experience related to the acoustic evaluation and physical appraisal of fine Spanish guitars. (see Who should attend?)

The two-day Seminar program begins on the morning of Saturday, June 4th and concludes on the following evening.  Attendance is limited to a maximum of 50 participants.  For more information about the program, click on the title of any session.
Day 1 - Program Summary

 Morning Session [9:00 - 11:00]
An overview of Spanish guitar construction for the guitarist

 Guitar Listening [11:00 - 12:00]
Evaluating classical guitar acoustics

 Lunch Break [12:00 - 2:00]

 Afternoon Session [2:00 - 4:00]
Guitar modification and restoration

 Evening Fiesta [from 8:00]
A social gathering of "guitarristas"
Day 2 - Program Summary

 Morning Session [9:00 - 11:00]
Getting the sound and appearance you want in a custom-made guitar

 Guitar Listening [11:00 - 12:00]
Evaluating flamenco guitar acoustics

 Lunch Break [12:00 - 2:00]

 Afternoon Session [2:00 - 4:00]
Instrument appraisal for investment

 Guitar Collection [from 4:00]
Hands-on assessment of instruments
 daniel@guitarmaker.artWho should attend ?What's your opinion ?